It’s time to cancel the story of showing up NOW as ‘her’ being hard, and realise that you are precisely where you are meant to be.
This doesn’t mean that God has necessarily PLACED you here, ’cause that one may be firmly on you, but He has GRACED you here for whatever He has graced you for.
You have what you need for THIS day.
You have enough vision for THIS day.
You are equipped for THIS day.
And this day right here is the appointed time to live – this day right here!
The perpetual looking for right vision has to stop.
Clarity is a myth.
Not the state of clarity itself, but the idea that you can get to it. You can’t GET to what is already in you, and when your mindset is one of not yet being there, not yet seeing right, not yet knowing what it is you should be doing, guess what you ARE gonna get?
More of that.
On the other hand, when your DECISION – and it is a decision to make based on simple agreement with heaven, and God already IN you … if He is in you … is that you ARE clear, you DO know, you HAVE right vision, and the next step is appearing right in front of you even now, well –
You’re gonna get the outcomes of THAT!
This is all simple agreement with God and the fact that it is not ON you. “It is not ON me and in agreement with God I say I have right vision, I know today’s work for today, He is showing me the way even as I speak, and He Himself equips me for all that I do!”
Then you ACT.
This means, if you have an online business or ministry, are a leader, messenger, waymaker, that you –
Say the thing which is in you TODAY.
Create + sell the thing which is bubbling up NOW.
Stay the course with the thing you KNOW cam from certainty, yet fear is trying to dispel.
Whether you feel like it.
Whether you know how.
Just another step down the path,
of being you.
The thing with vision from God is He DOES make it clear and He IS always showing us what we need for right now.
So what you can see now …
is what you are to SEE now.
Stop trying to see more, with a mistaken idea that it’s the only way to be more.
Meanwhile failing to be the today you,
who would then arrive at the tomorrow you dream of
and perpetually delay through your refusal to be here now.
Make no mistake:
Trying to get someplace will DESTROY your destiny.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.