‘kay, let’s talk about this and let’s just lay it down.
You have a destiny.
You have a message which IS meant to shake the world.
There is a call upon your life which, frankly … is overwhelming.
Which frankly … is okay. Because it would be weird if you COULD fully compete the greatness of the gift you’ve been given, the message you’re here to unleash on repeat, the fire which is IN you and which you are MEANT to,
rightly steward.
Here is the thing with being one of the fire-keepers.
It is NOT meant to be contained, it IS meant to burn wild and free, sparking lil baby offshoot fires which ALSO then explode in neon lights, it IS meant to be alarming … disturbing even … BEYOND … and WOAH …
but it is also meant to be taken charge of.
Because this is how it grows, and flows, and can reach, to where it is meant to go?
But also. Well.
Because if you don’t direct it,
it will burn you alive.
Softly even, at first.
But bit by bit,
it will become a raging beast within and it WILL destroy a part of you,
which was meant to roam free.
I think,
(don’t you?)
that we become the conduit we are here to be when we stop being afraid of the fire we have been given.
I think,
(don’t you?)
that that fire flows and grows and expands and excites and LANDS in the way it is meant to, when we stop trying to figure out where it ends and we begin,
and we simply say yes.
I think,
(surely you too?!)
that the path we’ve been looking for all along,
is the one we would have been walking all along,
if we didn’t start looking FOR so very long,
at everything out there which tells us how to be.
The truth is you were born to be blessed.
To walk in favour.
Head high.
The truth is the gifts you have been given, both those you came ready made with, and those you have received more recently, as well as those still to come,
were not given to then be shoved through and spat out of whichever lens is now trending online,
or what the marketing or coaching world says,
or what your parents or well-meaning besties say,
or what the voice inside of your head which tells you ‘not you’, ‘not yet’, ‘you can’t just’, ‘surely you don’t think – ‘ has to say.
Because in the end?
The walk you ARE here to walk,
in your business,
and the unleashing of the creative flow-spinning whirling-twirling what-even-is-that genius you came here to BE,
It depends upon you saying yes.
And it depends upon you know it is RIGHT for you to be blessed.
So I wonder,
(don’t you?)
what would happen if today were the day you just –
Who you were born to be.
And then?
I mean, c’mon –
it’s only your life.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
are you coming?
Flowing Firing Wild & Free starts MONDAY.
This is … 10 days. Taught live. Taught FROM,
the flowy fire-y explosive full colour YES of me being ALL the way me,
as I remind you to do the same.
I mean,
c’mon –