For how long do you think you’ll continue to forsake the simple power and truth of God in you?
For how long do you think you’ll continue to wake up, feet hittin’ the floor, and press play all DAY … on the things which are on YOUR mind, pulling you to the left and the right, disarming and charming and persuasive as all get out in their import and yet – not of Him?
For how long do you think you’ll make it so.freaking.COMPLICATED?! Longing for and believing in the promises of God fulfilled in your life yet just not enough –
Oh, how I would want to weep and scream and grit my teeth and shake my head from side to side at myself ENDLESSLY at all the ways and all the days in which I have once again pursued the world, its wiles, and ME, instead of simply resting in Jesus, but what I’ve realised – and all glory to God for this – is that the blame and shame and shoulda woulda coulda game of the enemy will never EVER stop,
until we insist it must and HAS.
We have to get up DAILY and proclaim, declare, and decree the word of God over us.
We have to DAILY surrender our all to Him.
And we need to DAILY declare, as part of that, the victory of the Lord over us and that satan is RIGHT that we can’t do ANYTHING good but GOD IN US CAN AND ALREADY HAS.
I have found it so powerful to simply AGREE I can’t be perfect … or even good. I AGREE that I can’t stay on top of everything myself. I AGREE that I repeatedly end up sabotaging or procrastinating if I think things are all on me. I AGREE that I can’t do it, I can’t get it right, I don’t know how, and in fact I can do NOTHING without Jesus!
John 15:5 says “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.”
I think a lot of the problem of what we struggle with, as believers with a background-trying-to-be-foreground of high performance is we think it’s still on us to at least meet God partway, and show we are truly enough.
But we know by truth in our spirit, by His Spirit, by His Word, that we can’t!
So the faster we confess our inability and TOTAL dependancy on Jesus … daily or as often as needed (at least daily!) … the better.
Because here is what we dare not do:
let another day another day another day pass by in which we once again fail to be righteous. Purposeful. Holy. Creative. The vessel and outpouring of the Lord. Because we had one foot still in the camp of I.
Instead …
make SPEAKING LIFE BY THE POWER OF GOD your daily discipline.
You don’t get up and get yourself ready, in the mood, or on track enough to feel accomplished and good.
You get up and IMMEDIATELY hand it over to God.
“Thank you for this day Lord and I give it back to you! Cause right unfolding in me today, and I thank you that you do! I confess I can do NOTHING today that is good, but you in me can and you already have! So I thank you Jesus that you lead me. Guide me. Correct me. MAKE me.
In Jesus Name,
By all means. Continue to take Him your desires. Dreams. Hopes. Wants. But this comes in and from the surrender. Not with an underlying fear of missing out or not being enough, which is really you still seeking sufficiency in you, which is a lust of the flesh and satanic, but instead from a place of knowing He is ALREADY causing you to walk right. He ALREADY knows your hopes and dreams.
It is not ‘figure out Jesus answer for the things you want, then walk forward to Him.
It is ‘walk forward eyes fixed on Him and do not look to the left or the right or at the water believe you, and know that you know that you KNOW –
that when you look to Him
IN Him you find everything already promised
and for you.
So today.
Join me.
And declare –
I have and walk in and AM the victory of the Lord.
cause me to walk right by and in and for you today.
And I thank you that you do.
In Jesus Mighty Name,
(after the prayer!)
Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you what the next / now thing is that Jesus would actually have you do. TRUST.THE.ANSWER. Often the way we get to the places we needed to first stop pursuing outside of Him is not what we thought.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
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I love you and I’m praying for you
Kat x