How can you expect to live right if you won’t hear right?
How can you imagine you’ll be right if you don’t receive right?
How could you ever release right,
if you refuse to surrender rightly,
all that you are,
could be,
thought you should be,
or still feel you have to prove you will be,
which is to say ALL that you are,
outside Him.
Did you know that in Psalm 46:10 where it says “be still, and know that I am God”, that that stillness speaks to surrender?
In the stillness
when we wait
and we allow our hurried breath or mind to finally
and let go
then and only then
can we finally start to SEE
Don’t you want to see what Jesus has for you today?
What He is calling you into today?
The assignment the Father has given you today?
The divine strategy and empowerment He has equipped you with today?
The thing is –
As long as you continue to move with an eye on the idea of what YOU think it’s meant to be, needs to be, has to be … even if you include God in your plan, prayer, desire of how you want to be led …
the lens is still you.
Which means the outcome is … whatever can come from you.
Not to mention whatever else has been thrown into the mix of whatever it is you’re looking at. Namely the ideas and thoughts and ways and wiles of the world and the one who seeks to keep you so occupied with getting there –
that you miss the fact that you’re ALREADY there. And that all you need to do is open your eyes,
and look up.
In the stillness,
with Jesus,
there is a rhythm,
a heartbeat,
a pulse,
a leading,
a knowing,
which simply cannot be found
anyplace else.
And I wonder.
Don’t you?
What would be different this year if instead of running to DONE each day, with whatever time you have,
you first paused.
Eyes closed.
Your own agenda layed down again.
And you waited,
to catch His beat.
The thing is –
your longing is to walk in right calling, yes? To know you are being full you, true identity unleashed, and all which should flow from that, well – flowing.
The thing is –
how do you think you’re in identity without being in Christ?
The thing is –
The more you seek. Sit. Expect. And ask.
The more you receive.
And the thing is –
Everything you’re running to get so you can finally sit, be still, look around, and see that the Lord has been SO so good,
is right there
sitting at the feet of Jesus.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
The Secret Garden is the place He gave me for the woman of faith who desires to know all He has for her in business,
and life.
It is … open for 2025 intake!
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18 bonus courses on joining
ongoing courses included
plus Secret Garden only community and week to week live trainings with me
This place is … anointed. It is a God thing. HE gave it. He leads it.
Gorgeous –
There is a different Kingdom.
And a different way.
Come see,
and join us,
at https://katrinaruthministries.com/thesecretgarden
Walking with the Lord starts next week! This one is by donation (or included in The Secret Garden) and is 10 days with me, to learn your daily walk with the Lord and hearing, seeing, receiving and being activated on all He has for you and is IN you right now.
https://katrinaruthministries.com/walkwiththelord to pay what God leads x