Stop putting what is promised for you on pause.
Stop delaying what God HAS for you because you insist on doing it your way, or ;-[knowing the way.
Stop insisting on taking over on a project which He designed, has a plan for, and maybe just maybe – wants to surprise and delight you with the unfolding of!
Don’t you hear him, even now? “I am bringing this thing to pass, and I have a design for how it will come to pass. Let me work!”
Ha. I feel I hear God reminding me to LET HIM WORK a lot.
Like when I take my gaze off him and start looking left and right just in case …
Or when I think a thing SHOULD have happened by now, or in a certain way, and so I start looking for proof.
“Your proof is what I said!”, I heard Him say a few weeks ago. “When you know this, then you will know that I am God”.
And it’s so funny, if you think about it. Don’t you think? We want this supernatural outcome, a life lived from a place beyond what we could possibly conceive of or imagine …
except we wanna tell God to do exactly what we are conceiving of or imagining, or else we can’t believe it’s real. lololol. I mean … I know we DO get that it’s about what we CAN’T yet see coming to physical fruition as we trust surrender and believe. But don’t come at me pretending you don’t have that part of your mind now again jumping up and down like a yippity little dog insisting on seeing what it expects to see, or what it with OUT God would have seen.
I do!
And yet. In Gods amazing grace and by His might, power and also WISDOM working through me …
He always steers me ever so lovingly (sometimes hilariously) back to: “Keep your eyes fixed on me and I will see. I SAID WHAT I SAID. And it will happen IN me. That is the literal location of it!”
– The location of the things God has for you is not in you looking to the left or the right
– It is not in your own ways will or thoughts
– It is not by fixing your eyes or thoughts or expectations of ‘how a thing will unfold’ on the earthly realm
– It is not you figuring out for yourself what to do
– It is not you knowing the moves in advance, because you could only KNOW that from … ding ding ding … the STUFF THAT AIN’T SUPERNATURAL
Oh, but you want that supernatural BEYOND WHAT YOU COULD EVEN IMAGINE stuff?
I’m not saying don’t dream. Don’t ‘see’, in HIM, in your own imagining. I’m saying …
you have an idea of how a thing should have to work for it to work.
And your idea maybe just maybe is not Gods idea.
What HE said is gonna happen from HIS end. But if you insist on hanging out on another timeline, in another realm (the physical) and not LOOKING to His Spirit, in yours –
you might as well have pressed the mute and pause button on God. Because for Him to ACT in your life, to PHYSICALLY give you what He has already supernaturally made yours?
You have to believe.
You have to speak it out.
And you have to actually look to what is not seen,
in order to see.
Yep yep yep it is INTENSE AS ALL GET OUT at times, to quiet that yippity mind and get into TRUE trust and faith.
But … you do already know. That there’s a different Kingdom. And a different way. And that there are things FOR you so far beyond what you would dictate them to be if YOU were left in charge. So …
stop being in charge. Stop insisting on the fullness of Gods promises for you. But then yanking back the wheel and saying you’ll drive yourself just in case.
The danger is you can live your whole LIFE that way if you don’t pull yourself up.
Make today the day you decide to take your hands off,
It’s only who you came here to be.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
The Secret Garden!
This space is my all in low cost membership, and the place God has given me for the entrepreneur who is ready to go ALL in in every facet of her being, business, money, and life to … the plan it SHOULD be.
A different Kingdom. A different way.
This morning’s live class, for example (I teach live twice a week roughly!) was on MONEY THE GOD WAY. And it was 80 minutes of IMMEDIATE activation and repatterning away from the endless GET or SHOULD. In order to understand what just IS, for you PERSONALLY, in God.
The way I teach is not about you then endlessly DOING things. It is Holy Spirit led immediate INTEGRATION. In an environment with an incredible live group community, live teachings, support from me, all your questions answered, and classes covering every HANDS on aspect of business and money as well as identity purpose and TRUTH, in God. All through the TRUE lens of how we should be living and understanding supernaturally!
This is where you let GO,
and learn to actually understand flow.
Come see what God made you,
and where He is leading you,
You’re supposed to be in. x