Gorgeous, where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty, and where His Spirit of CERTAINTY is, there is sales flow / messaging flow / creative flow / right YOU flow, and really –
anything else which is rightly meant to flow which is, of course, in Him.
I’m speaking to my entrepreneurs today.
To my creators who pour forth a thing online, or want to.
To those who are done with the accidental slip back down the slippery slide of standard-preneurialism, which is to say – slow death by boredom and the gradual quelling of the artisan spirit the Lord gave you.
Do you want to be lit up this year?
Do you want things AFRESH this year?
Are you ready for a new thing which is the ‘this is what is actually TRUE thing‘ this year?
Sister –
Your sales, right people, joyous marketing and messaging endeavours, are not gonna flow right if you keep trying to summon up something alive from what feels like death in your spirit.
The reality is that for whoever those people are who are meant to be your people, there is a match for what’s in you.
Specifically, where your certainty and the now stirring in your spirit is, is a match for EXACTLY what they are looking for and need right now … even if they don’t know it.
They may not be thinking they need this or that or the other thing, but they WILL know it when they see it.
They WILL be magnetized by what is actually magnetic right now, for them. Which means that if you’re looking to have more of the right folks walking with you in your biz … and you know that that means those who are truly being drawn by and led by God … all you need to do is go into the place within YOU where you are truly being drawn by, led by, and refreshed by, God.
A lot of the time, that simply is not remotely relevant to what you think you should be doing right now in your marketing, or even the creating and offer-making bit.
A lot of the time, it requires you to take off the table the stuff that is considered standard, or even ‘the’ standard.
A lot of the time, who you really are?
Is not the you who you somehow got caught up in being,
or thinking you need to be.
Will you stop with me?
Would you?
What if this whole entire thing were OH so much easier than what you’ve been making it to be?
What if you could trust that what God has put in you is PERFECT?
What if you could let go.
Of ALLLLLL of the rules and shoulds.
And just –
in the place where there is a different and oh so wonderful YOU way,
which those you are here for?
Have just been waiting for you to be.
Let’s do this today, yes?
And let out,
what we find.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
did you know?
There is a different Kingdom.
And a different way.
I want to invite you to join me in the place where we live and are led deeper in that reality daily, by the Spirit of the Lord, and the FREEDOM, which is unquestionably and unendingly in Him.
The Secret Garden is my beloved low cost membership and truly the place to walk with me if you desire to do so ongoing.
It is also the place God GAVE me for you.
He gave it.
He leads it.
And we walk ever further forward in all things business,
and life.
This is for the woman of faith who desires, simply, more.
Right now we are on 50% off 2025 intake, on either monthly or annual payment, AND you receive 18 bonus courses (around 5k value!) when you join. Plus loads of new paid courses included free ongoing, not to mention, of course –
The Secret Garden itself.
Secret Garden only sessions.
Community like you’ve never experienced.
And CONTINUAL unfolding and Holy Spirit fire.
Come see what He had me make you,
at www.katrinaruthministries.com/thesecretgarden
It’s time for a different Kingdom,
and a different way.
This weeks live training is on Fresh Eyes to Create What He’s Put in You Now. Join now for live attendance or replay, and let’s DO this thing together.
It’s time x