The strategy is to bless the Lord.
The strategy is to lift His Name on high.
The strategy is to exalt JESUS,
above every name you might name your circumstances,
or life.
is to bless the Lord.
To bless Him in your coming.
To bless Him in your going.
To bless Him as you step forward already in faith.
And to bless Him as you turn in circles endlessly at times, no idea where to go or what to do or who you even are!
The strategy you are looking for, the revelation of the thing or things which are gonna get you to wherever it is you’re waiting to be, the down to the DOT point outline of what to do,
where to go
what to say
who to say it to
how to move forward
and everything else you’ve been seeking,
thinking you need
or require
Don’t you see? Do you not hear His call even now? Can you feel the rising wind, the gushing river, the fire He placed in you building?
As you bless Him
As you worship
who you LIVE to worship
As you lift up Jesus
As you lay down every distraction, every counterfeit priority, everything you’ve been living for or even tending to so that then (you might think) you can rest in Him …
And as you simply call on His Name
Exalt His Name
Bless His Name
You enable
You enact
As His vessel
And His voice
His living WORD
brought through you
heavenly strategy not only revealed in the place where it resides which is IN Him,
but also the multiplication FROM heaven poured down to and over and through you, as for His glory you release the WORDS HE HAS GIVEN YOU TO LIVE AND GIVE PRAISE WITH
And your praise
He will inhabit
And your praise
it is a battle cry
And your praise
will shake nations
will break strongholds
and will lead you
because in it HE leads you
into the place here right assignment
right alignment
certain knowing
Do you see it?
Can you see now? In that place where you look without eyes?
Your sanctified word resounds back to heaven from where it came and is RETURNED to you,
by He who gave it.
(Nehemiah 9:5-6)
“Stand up and bless the Lord your God
Forever and ever!
“Blessed be Your glorious name,
Which is exalted above all blessing and praise!
You alone are the Lord;
You have made heaven,
The heaven of heavens, with all their host,
The earth and everything on it,
The seas and all that is in them,
And You preserve them all.
The host of heaven worships You.”
The thing to perhaps to receive today. To remember and have renewed. Is that as His child you already HAVE Him,
and He has you.
The riches of heaven are in you.
His wisdom and knowing unlocked.
Your surrender and praise is a gateway.
The supernatural He’s already made yours.
Stop going to the place where you try and get,
what you never could rightly earn.
Your blessing of His Name in place of running of your life an act of warfare.
And it cries with the cry of a child who trusts his or her Father,
who cries out “Abba!”
and knows that He answers that cry.
It’s the trust and the faith and the certainty,
a peace we never could find.
That when we think we are lacking?
His Name lifted high is the only thing to quieten our mind and let us finally hear,
what He was revealing in us all along.
That He has us.
That He is for us.
That He is with us.
And that in our surrender of EVERYTHING.
We find we have everything.
But only,
as always,
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
Dear one –
(This word is for me as well as you).
I hear Him saying these walls you built to platform and contain yourself in, they now contain YOU.
“The upkeep is relentless.
The renovations and improvements are never done.
There is always another turret to add, a flag to fly, or higher up the hill to build.
He says if you want to you can keep building.
In many ways it is a thing of beauty, what you’ve built!
And there will always be those who will cheer you on, encourage you to strive further, look to you to lead them in doing the same, join you in a shout of praise for what (wo)man can do!
But the beauty is fleeting. The tarnish ever more impossible to hide. And the performance is getting tired, old, and done.
Do you want to keep building, dear one, building dreams I never gave you as a way of attempting to complete in you through counterfeit something you already have, have in me?
Or do you want to be done?”
I believe the Lord wants to break off a spirit of performance in His daughters.
I believe He is looking for His surrendered, soft, willing, pliable (Ps:37:4) daughters, who will yield to His molding.
“Do you trust me?”, He says?
“Do you want me?”
“But do you want me more than THAT?”
“Are you really willing to forsake everything?”
One time live workshop event next week. Pay what you want for live attendance and /or replay.
It’s time to let it be His time,