“It’s time for a further stripping off of identity not of me” I heard.
“A stripping off of identity which I did not give you.
Yes, you can justify, explain, convince yourself or others that it’s okay to keep, hold on to, keep going with,
but if I did not give it it’s not of me and it IS not me.
I will never leave nor forsake you, I am with you always, but I am training you to see that being led by my Spirit means in all things.
Nothing added.
Nothing removed.
For you who desires to walk full in the righteousness I have given you, to live in the fullness OF me,
the parts not born in me need to be released.”

These are the kind of words which are so easy, so simple, so clear, and yet also, I find, so easy, so simple, so automatic even sometimes,
to side-step.
“Surely God didn’t mean … get rid of THAT / let go of THIS / put down that?! It’s not even something which matters one way or the other. Does it …?”
And yet,
(I find)
there is a reason that ‘that’ is what came to mind for you.
You might like to think oh – ! I’m just overthinking! I’m too black and white! Or even – it’s the voice of the devil trying to condemn me with its religious spirit!
But are you led by the Holy Spirit, or no?
Are you surrendered to God and trusting He IS guiding your every step?
And if yes …
do you not trust that therefore if the step of letting go of such and such is shown to you that YES babe.
That was Him?
I’m not saying don’t go to God over it, put out a fleece if He leads you to, ask for clear repeat signs left right and everywhere except except except …
He IS a God of certainty.
And a lot of the time that certainty absolutely is already there without you needing the repeat validation or (let’s be honest) twisting and turning every which way to see whether there can’t possibly be a way to get out of having to ACTUALLY,
So why don’t we make it simple?
Why don’t we let it be EASY?
Why don’t we simply bypass the bit where you cling on to the old for so long you just about, or – Lord forbid – entirely, miss the new thing He would have brought you into had you let go of the former which you should no longer be considering?
Here is how. Or, the ‘how’ Holy Spirit is prompting me on right now at least, as far as a consideration for you today.
If you ‘there’. In the vision God has shown you thus far. As the COMPLETELY relaxed in faith, His rest, and His provision you who He designed you to be.
Put it down now.
Oh, it’s too hard, you don’t know how, your identity is screaming at you that it needs it?!
Well yes.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
As Far as The Eye Can See is the new course God has given me which has now just begun. Day 1 is waiting for you! The group is open. And Day 2 is coming – today!
As Far as The Eye Can See.
30 Days Holy Spirit Led to Receive Fresh Revelation & SPEAK LIFE Over All God is Showing You and Has Given You,
to Possess.
“For all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever”. Genesis 13:5
It’s time to go in,
leaving behind ALL which can not come with,
and finally see, without eyes of course,
who and what He is,
and has
for you.
Donation only. x