God's Word

Get up and praise the Lord!

Lord I thank you for your goodness, I thank you for your mercy, I thank you for your GRACE, which goes from generation to generation and you show your love to us fully, wholly, perfectly, and as a continual reflection back to Jesus, for 1000 generations!

Lord I thank you that you are KIND.

I thank you that your patience endures and surrounds us!

I thank you that though we may stumble, you do hold us in the palm of your hand, you hold us up, you set us on eagles wings!

I thank you that as we look to you, lean further back in you, surrender anew to you, put our hope in you because you ARE hope, that we will run and not grow weary. Walk and not grow faint. You lift us up on eagles wings!

Lord I thank you that you have knitted us together in our mothers womb. That you have ordained us for work which is designed, given, directed, anointed, and sustained by you!

I thank you that you have given us land beyond measure, bountiful beyond imagination, to possess, and that you yourself are the one who causes us to do so!

Lord I thank you that you are the author AND the finisher of our faith, and it is not on us to ‘get there’ … or to get ANY where.

Lord I thank you.

I thank you.

I thank you.

I LOVE you.

I love you.

I LOVE you!

Lord I thank you for my brother or sister in you who is reading this.

I thank you that you have set them apart.

I thank you that you yourself go before and beside them, you charge your angels to surround, protect, and minister to them, and your favour goes before and beside them like a shield!

I thank you that you have a GOOD good plan for this incredible child of yours. Made in your likeness. Made to be BOLD. And have a voice.

Lord I decree your voice over my brother or sister.

I say set a guard around their mouth, anoint their lips as you put your words IN their mouth.

Let their prayers be your voice.

And I thank you Lord that your breath fills their lungs.

Lord I speak and I decree BLESSINGS BLESSINGS BLESSINGS over my brother or sister.

In you. From you. To you. And for you.

And I say this IS the year of the favour of the Lord in this child.

I command every work of the enemy in his or her life to be revealed NOW! In the Name of Jesus. I thank you that you have equipped your children to take authority and power in and by you over all darkness.

I command chains broken NOW. In the Name of Jesus.

And I say death must be revealed, wherever it lingers or tries to have its way. Be revealed NOW! In Jesus Name. And be sent to the grave.

And I speak life. Life. Life. LIFE over you. And life abundantly.

I say living waters of the Lord SPRING FORTH AND GUSH OVER YOU.

I see new tendrils sprouting through.

Vision where there has been one.

Joy. Excitement. And supernatural energy and determination to be about your FATHERS work.

I speak and I prophecy these things over you,

in the Name of our Lord and Saviour,

the Name above all Names.



Remember –

Life is Now. Press Play.



Gorgeous, have you seen?

There is a fresh wind a fresh wind a FRESH wind, and the Lord is releasing it for YOU. Yes YOU.

It doesn’t matter where you are, who you are, what you’ve done, run to, turned to, He LOVES you and He is FOR you.

Will you receive that today?

Can you say yes, even as the forces of satan try to condemn you, shame you, tell you not FOR you?

Say it with me – GOD IS FOR ME. I surrender God, to you and your perfect will and plan for me!

Gorgeous, would you like to stand with me, walk with me, run with me, in Him?

It’s The Secret Garden.

And I’m inviting you in.

To the place He gave me for the woman of faith who desires and is ready to walk forward in ALL He has for her in business,





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It’s The Secret Garden.

There is a different Kingdom,

and a different way.

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