It’s so much simpler than what you think.
ALL of it.
Everything, everything you’re here for, everything you dream of, everything which is in you, everything you’re here to do is truly,
One. Two. Three. (If that!).
Even better –
Make it easy >< make it part of who you are >< repeat.
Think about it.
If I wanted to build a multi 8-figure coaching business which is all hemmed around me just being me and letting out the message ever-evolving inside of me,
all I would really need to do each day is let out the message which is genuinely in me that day,
not add or subtract anything,
release / post it wherever I have committed to being,
based simply on where I like being and am LED to be,
add a sales call to action,
reminding myself that selling is just sharing something I genuinely believe in, and EVERYBODY knows how to do that,
obviously have decided something to sell in the first place,
use the ‘let what’s in me out’ formula for that,
and repeat.
In fact that IS precisely what I did to build precisely that business, and ongoingly do.
Message. Sell. Repeat.
Think about it.
Whatever your mind is now coming up with is either in the ‘too bad, do it anyway’ category, i.e. –
I don’t know how.
I’m not sure what to say.
What if people don’t listen / want it.
I’m not clear.
I stubbed my toe.
(PS the work is also the cure on ALL of that),
or it’s in the category of build plane while flying.
No you do not need to learn more about something you refuse to just consistently do!
What else is oh so simple, yet somehow we humans – yes even or perhaps especially us purpose-driven ones – allow to hang over ourselves for months or even YEARS?!
- Writing books? SIMPLE. You have high value thoughts day in and day out. Just start notating ’em. (And publishing / marketing said books – ALSO simple. We are not in 1994).
- Getting in great shape? SIMPLE. Start with what you know / where you can. Commit to daily adjustments. Replace don’t erase. START. Learn / change along the way. BECOME THE PERSON.
- Improved relationships? SIMPLE. PRAY. Ha. But really. And also? Take space. Listen. HEAR.
- Commanding the Atmosphere, and seeing what SHOULD be show up? SIMPLE. Learn the rules of the Kingdom. Apply ’em. Stop thinking about whether or not you did it right or are good enough. Would you be doing that relevant to whether or not gravity works? So why are you doing it relevant to spiritual law? Please start making sense. In fact, please start commanding CHANGE, and what should be!
In every area of your life, you have a lot more power and authority than what you think to just DECIDE.
If you are a child of God, you LITERALLY have ALL and the HIGHEST power and authority in you, by the blood of Jesus. So …
make it simple.
Look to truth (Jesus).
Apply it (Jesus).
Learn how (Jesus).
I get that everything I just outlined has more detail to it.
But don’t you see?
You find the detail you actually need to attend to by being on the walk forward.
And whilst it may not always be or feel EASY …
it IS simple.
So here is what I want you to do.
Take the area(s) of your life where you have added the MOST complexity. Through fear. Insecurity. Striving. An idea it’s all on you when in fact you should be resting in and trusting God. Mis-taken beliefs. (Listen in to what God is saying in your SPIRIT. Read, pray, learn accordingly). Etc.
Now strip it ALL off.
What is the actual MEAT here?
Message ANYWAY. Sell ANYWAY. Let clarity be revealed by being in it. Pick up the weights or shake the booty ANYWAY. Replace one unhealthy food or habit with one good one ANYWAY. Start to decree over your household and finances even if you DON’T feel it. Speak out a scripture ANYWAY. Believe God ANYWAY.
Do you get it?
The reality is your spirit already knows.
In your innermost being, in your intuition, in your deepest YOU –
you know there is a place where you finally stopped thinking,
finally stopped waiting to be ready or perfect or sure,
finally stopped ONE day-ing,
Whatever it was you’ve been waiting or readying to do.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
Command the Atmosphere was live yesterday in a 2 hour masterclass of Holy Spirit WOAH.
We are now live the next 10 days together in our follow on incubation group, where I in fact just dropped todays mini assignment and audio wake up for your TODAY commanding of the atmosphere!
This class and lifetime access is by donation / pay what God leads!
What I share in there? All glory to God.
IS His power to completely change the immediate course of your physical life.
Join now and join me in the live ongoing flow!