God's Word

Here is what the Lord would have you know.

What He saith, to those who He has called to lead and rule.

“The battle you have between how to simply BE in me, yet also do the things you feel tasked to do in your business, your ministry, or life, is one you cannot win in your own strength.

You cannot ‘figure this out’.

You will not.

And for as long as you continue to look through a lens of what you think DOES make sense (or should) you will not find it.

Instead, you will continue to twist and turn in the turmoil of continually seeing and sensing in your spirit all I have for you yet never quite managing to even get through the day.

You will exhaust yourself further with futile attempts to do enough, have enough, and be enough.

But I never told you to try and be.


is not the answer.

My child. You cannot figure your way into or out of this. You cannot make it make sense. You cannot make it all fit. You cannot make it orderly. You cannot find a way for it all to finally piece together.

YOU cannot.

You enmesh yourself further IN the tangle-weed you have planted for yourself the more you try.

Instead, the only answer, the only one there ever can be is, STOP.

Stop trying to figure it all out.

Stop trying to make it work.

Stop trying to put things in their proper places so that somehow you can be this person over here, that person over there, yet another version of you in the next place.


and give it all to me.

I myself will cause it to be.

I myself will make the way.

I myself AM the way, and you will find what you seek and also what you need only in me.

I myself will give you the words. I will equip you with the tools and weapons you need as you need them.

I am He who brings down to the grave and back up again.

I give and take life.

YOU are not the determiner of life.

YOU do not direct its path.

What YOU do is allow. Or disallow. What I have already ordained should be in and through you.

Your agreement,

my power and grace.

Your yes,

my command.

Your step,

made by me.

Your voice,

my breath.

Your words,

my will.

If this is the life you have chosen,

then choose it.

Choose it.

Choose it.


Thus saith the Lord”.


He speaks to and through me for the rulers, and those who are called to lead.

To lead perhaps those WHO lead.

Do you know yet that the vastness of all that is in store for you in this life is not something you can figure out?

Is it true yet that you no longer WANT to figure it out?

The things which are ordained for us are not ours to make orderly. Proper. Sensible. Or for us to in any way make work.

Do you think that He who strung together the stars in the sky, and placed each planet in its exact correct place, who also wrote all of your days before you began living them, can also make you being the full colour here there and everywhere a thing which WORKS?

You don’t have to scrunch your nose and your brow and finally come up with a masterplan of how this fits with that.

Of how you can simultaneously be here, and there.

Of how you can speak to this person, yet also do that.

Or of how your business fits with your ministry fits with your life fits with what He has shown you to give fits with where you are called to go fits with ANYTHING.


Stop trying to make masterplans to deal with circumstances that are not yours to deal with, and therefore missing the vision the Lord Himself will cause to occur.

Now don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.



My Inner Circle is back open for the first time officially since 2019.

This is high level personal and private coaching & mentoring for the true 1% within the 1%. For those who are here to lead the leaders. And who know it is time to have all stripped off of them which is NOT true,

to that.



The Secret Garden gorgeous. TRULY,

you are supposed to be in.

This is the place God gave me for the woman of faith who desires to know ALL He has for her,

in business, money, and life.

It is anointed. It is beyond explanation. It is prophetically revealed,

on this page.

This weeks live masterclass Wake Up & Sell is yours as a gift when you join The Secret Garden,

or you can sign up for attendance or replay at

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