My desire is that you walk fully in the path the Lord of all of creation, the Host of Hosts, the King of Kings, JESUS, God the Father, His Spirit,
sets out for you and leads you in.
My desire for me … you … each of us is, simply –
Alignment to divine heavenly order.
Alignment to see Christ revealed in and through us.
Alignment to the Kingdom of heaven,
and its right manifestation here on earth.
We have keys to the Kingdom and we ARE the walking keys to the Kingdom, and yet –
our yes is required.
We have a right destiny path written for us, beyond our own imagination or even wildest desire, every page articulated and defined down to the smallest of brushstrokes and yet,
we need to agree.
We have the power and authority to walk by grace and COMMAND THE VERY ATMOSPHERE for His purposes which you better believe is also gonna wonderfully and beyond whatever YOU think is required gonna effect yours and yet,
we need to walk in it.
How do we walk in it?
How do we see the plan God has for us enacted in and through us?
How do we see His Kingdom COME?
We walk by faith. We engage with the spirit realm. We are led by His Holy Spirit on all things. We cease leaning on our own understanding, or initiating ANYTHING. We acknowledge our complete insufficiency. We lay all that we are or would or could be or want or do or have at the foot of the cross DAILY. We pray things like “adjust me for your purposes Lord!”, and we mean it. We trust that our spoken word in line with His is EFFECTIVE and that that is not dependant on us. Meaning we trust Him to be who He says He is. And in doing so we trust that we are who He says we are. And we also actively seek by His Spirit to TRULY understand the word and not just be Sunday Christians. To have our every breath be His and to be the walking talking fire-breathing epistle of the Lord.
I mean … I don’t really know what on earth else you’d wanna be doing with your life?!
The beautiful thing is …
there is no overwhelm needed here.
It’s not on YOU to figure any of it out.
You don’t need to agree for even a SECOND that you might be confused or unsure.
The Kingdom of heaven IS already here for you. We live under an open heaven. Access is – GRANTED! Fully and always. By acceptance of Jesus, and by His Spirit in you.
So you just need to say SHOW me God. ALIGN me God. I want ALL of it God. I say I am your instrument, your planting, your dressmaking! I WANT ALL OF IT. For your sake. And I say by faith in your word it now shall be.
join me.
In today’s simple prayer:
“Adjust me according to your purposes Lord.
Put your words in my mouth.
Let my prayers be your voice.
Fill my lungs with your breath.
And I say I AM your word in action in my own life and beyond,
Expose what needs exposing.
Reveal what is of you.
Give me eyes to see.
In JESUS Mighty Name,
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
The Kingdom of God is not arbitrary. It is not ‘maybe’ or ‘you hope’ or ‘if God feels like it’ He will be God in your life.
It is also not ‘maybe’ you get to be who God says you are.
Command the Atmosphere is happening with me LIVE tomorrow (recorded of course and available for life) and it is pay what God puts on your heart to pay. for your place and I REALLY suggest you don’t miss this one.
You are His child (if you are His child, meaning you’ve accepted Jesus as your Lord & Saviour, and if you’ve not done so / are not sure / want to / want to talk about it please DM me).
As His child you have rights.
You have rights which are also responsibilities.
These have to do with walking in blessing. Favour. Provision. Healing. Deliverance. Freedom / liberty in all ways. And proclaiming and enacting these things over others, according to the word and will of God.
It is ALL according to the word and will of God. Surrender and His sovereign knowledge are inherent. ASSUMED. We know that. So … stop worrying about whether or not its too audacious, or self-driven, or you’re accidentally doing something New Age-y to declare decree and DEMAND what God has already given you to come to physical manifestation in your life.
This means you also need to know what is the word of God, and indeed abide in it and Him in you.
But also yes.
It means you need to sit up straighten up and start to profess from heaven to earth what should BE on earth, and is already written.
This is not about you.
It will powerfully and positively effect you, your household, your children, your childrens children, your finances, your health, your mental wellbeing, your business, your ministry, your relationships of all kind, and every part of your LIFE,
to command the atmosphere and know that you can rightly EXPECT things to occur, because the spirit realm leads this one.
But in fact it is all for the glory of God and His Kingdom.
We are literally His planting, to glorify Him! (Isaiah 61).
Is your life glorifying God right now?
Are you the walking embodiment of Jesus, and the fullness of life?
Do you actually understand spiritual law, and that Gods word cuts through this realm and CAUSES things to be or not be?
It’s not ‘will He / won’t He’? It’s He HAS. Now WE enact it and expect it by faith with DEFINITE CERTAINTY.
I don’t sit on a chair and live in fear I will accidentally float away. I understand the physical laws of this earth.
And now I am learning to understand, war in, walk in, and DECREE TO BE the spiritual laws which are even more certain and which I have governance over by the blood and in the Spirit.
I am WILDLY passionate about this, and my continued learning in it!
And so I’m inviting you to join me this week (tomorrow live or on replay) in Command the Atmosphere.
I’ll be sharing examples of decreeing by the Word and in the Spirit in order to see CERTAIN change, beyond human imagination,
and teaching as He leads.
ThIs will be INCREDIBLY powerful. As you can imagine.
JOIN ME. > pay what God says.