Word from God for His sons & daughters, February 2, 2025
I heard the word of the Lord and wrote it as I heard it, and this is what He said. Receive His witness in your spirit if this is for you!
“I am taking you on a journey.
Take my arm and walk with me.
I am stripping off the things which are not of me.
I am peeling back the built up layers.
The layers which you have allowed to creep up over and build up as though they are part of you. Accepting and allowing as your cloaking what was never yours, what I never made you.
I am peeling off the hardened and calloused outer layer, the skin which should not be there, the hardened exterior which has prevented you from knowing me, receiving me, walking with me, flowing with me.
I am bringing back order to my people.
I am restoring soft hearts which seek the Lord.
I am restoring my heartbeat.
I am looking for a people with intentionality.
I am looking for those who want me to arrange them, and who will say yes to right order.
I am looking for those who will embrace the discomfort and even pain of having me remove what is not of me.
Who see the reward of a fresh raw heart and walk with me and are no longer willing to hide in complacency.
Where are my children who will step forward and surrender all?
Time is speeding up.
— “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction” (Proverbs 1:7)
In the lead up to receiving this word –
He showed me the sounding of a horn, a clarion call, a cry to His sons and daughters all across the land.
I got a sense of speed, a quickening and a heightening, a speed so brilliant it transcended earth, gravity, time.
It gave me remembrance of ASLAN, those books as a child, and the SPEED which came.
Yesterday, (couple days after I wrote the word above), Jesus said to me –
“Do you really want to put me first?”
— “Yes Lord, I said”.
“Then are you willing to stop running for yourself, and run for me?”
— “YES Lord. I surrender to your how”
If your yes is yes.
— Proverbs 1:7
— Matthew 5:37
— James 1:6
Don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
Do you see it beautiful? {Walk with the Lord has begun. Join by donation!}
Do you see it my dear one?
Do you see the place He has given us as it now grows,
and as He simply reveals
more of what already IS?
Do you see how He draws us near and causes us to encounter Him,
to seek Him,
to long for Him,
to THIRST for Him,
and eventually to (re)turn to Him,
and once again
come whole?
Do you see the place Has has for us?
The green of the meadow …
The shade of the hollow …
The beauty of the plain …
And the invite of the water
where we should sit
and know
that He is God.
Gorgeous –
Walk with the Lord has just begun.
Day 1 is waiting for you!
This course is a 10 day walk with the Lord, in the Secret Garden of your life, and it is …
Exactly what He would have it be in you.
It is also – pay what you want / what God leads!
I asked the Lord what He would have me do for you, as a worship to Him, and a response to where HIS focus is for you.
I prayed “Lord show me. Wake in me. And cause me to see. What you have already planted in me.”
And He did.
He did.
He did.
(He always does,
and that is an expectation in FAITH thing!)
Here is what He has given me for you. For me. For us.
This is a going in
A pulling back
A dropping off
And a stepping forward
As led
by the Spirit
of God
This is …
Enough trying to GET yourself there.
And so let’s just walk.
With the Lord.
In the Secret Garden,
of your LIFE.
And see,
what He has for you
who He already is for you
what He desires to do through you
as we cultivate the HABIT
the expectation
and the rising faith
of being the daughter
of the Lord
who finally opted out of basic.
Your place,