When it used to work you used to dream.
When it used to work and show signs of growing, furthering, BEING,
you used to dream.
When there was hope
a certainty that what you could see would SURELY be
you used to dream
WANDER, in your thoughts
and breathe
Do you feel it?
The sadness, rising?
It’s the voice of your spirit,
It’s the voice of your spirit,
It’s the voice of your spirit,
Waiting, and asking –
“What about me?”
“When can I once again BE?”
It’s a siren call, a trumpet sound, the blaring of a horn which should not be ignored.
It’s Aslan, roaring across all the land, it’s the call of the realm to which you belong, and for which you were born, it’s the mating call of your heart, and it’s sounding,
for you.
“But oh – !
I can’t just now.
I’m busy.
But soon. Soon, my darling, soon”.
As you bustle away once more.
Hustle to keep going once more.
Push it back down once more.
And cover cover cover your ears to ignore the SCREAMING within as you once again walk forward in a life which was never written for you,
yet to which you’ve chosen
adherence to death
Gritting your teeth and squaring your shoulders and fixing your eyes and IGNORING that scream because hey – !
It’s not that easy!
It’s not that simple!
And besides,
the dreams of yesteryear were silly … childish … reckless … a fantasy born of too much imagination, and a childlike faith that it could simply be,
That it could simply be.
And it’s all very well I suppose. Don’t you think? For the ones who don’t WANT to think, for whom there never was an idea to think, who would be affronted at even the suggestion that they COULD think, but the only problem with that is –
(just a small one)
So be the dreamer who doesn’t dream anymore
Be the thinker with no time for THAT
Be the messenger serving lukewarm leftovers of yesterday’s message which wasn’t even hers
Be the voice of God,
keeping up with the voice of the world
Take another step forward in what you’re meant to, that’s right
Let fade your inner brilliance, it’s fine
Cut off the bits which don’t make sense
A little more
no, not quite
yes that’s it, just one more bit
and stop just SAYING things, for the love of God
now sit down
very still
very quiet
very proper
very nice
very ok
They’re putting the lid on now, are you ready?
Okay, good.
You can lie down if you like
It’s comfy
It’s nice
You’ll like it here
Almost as though you never were
any place
And why would you be?
When there was no place
to be
Oh, a dream? An idea? A wondering? You don’t say!
That’s nice dear.
I think you might have imagined it.
Now don’t forget
Life is Now. Press Play.