What if you just expected more?
What if you just expected now?
What if you just let go of the shoulds, the buts, and the ‘when I am perfect enough / humble enough / surrendered enough / holy enough / wise enough / not-a-hot-mess-enough then’?
Can I tell you?
No good thing I have ever seen manifested in my life came off the back of me being no longer a hot mess in some kind of way.
I am an all over the place kind of person. I am here and then here and then here and then I forget where here was because I’m there! I am 18 tabs open and I am actively working all of ’em, and that’s a slow day, oh and there’s multiple devices involved. Not to mention the tabs in my mind.
I change my mind constantly.
I make up rules nobody ever said were required, and certainly not God.
I invent hoops I all of a sudden have to apparently jump through in order to be enough.
I can fully see all sides of the case and argue violently for each of ’em, simultaneously proving to myself why I absolute do have to accept such and such as well as absolutely should not!
I one million percent do not want to do the thing most of the time … and a good chunk of said time I don’t even know what ‘the thing’ is. I just know I don’t wanna do it if I have to do it, because nobody puts baby under command OR in a corner she didn’t choose for herself!
I lose focus literally in the middle of doing the most important things, then forget I was doing them.
I have absolutely no reason to think I should expect anything better than or beyond the outcomes of muddling through another day of turning endlessly in circles before finally starting to do something and then realising I want a nap, expect …
I just choose to anyway.
Because God says so.
And because somewhere inside of me, in the place deeper than fear and but and maybe, there is a truth which tells me:
I can have what I say.
I can create what I see inside of me.
I can be consistent when I don’t feel like it.
I can choose to make things which will lead to right and great outcomes non-negotiable in my day or mindset, rather than dependant upon my know-how or readiness.
I can write the vision, make it plain, then run with it and expect it to happen so long as I just keep on believing and then take whatever next / now step is in front of me.
I used to think all of this was in my own strength. Me backing me. Which worked in a way. To a point. With an undercurrent of strong certainty that at some point I was gonna stop being able to keep up with running ahead of myself.
Which is exactly what then happened.
Now, I see it for what it is. True in and rested on a foundation of God, His strength, and my worth as His child.
I mean … I could write another 1000 words, typical Kat full flow style.
Or I could just remind you of this:
God never asked you to be perfect.
Who you are now. Who He is in and through you. The vision He has put inside of you now. Is all for now.
It’s that simple.
Stop making your future dependant on you not being you.
You can be the all over the place distracted creator and still do the thing of saying yes to the thing that is the thing.
In the end, whatever you get, whatever you ARE getting is simply because you expected to.
So …
expect differently.
Expect more.
It is not holy to expect less. The opposite.
Am I over simplifying? Sure.
Is it relevant for today anyway? Absolutely.
Ask God to restore right expectation in you today.
And then ask Him the one next step.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
PS. Two things.
One for everyone who wants to say yes fully to ALL God has for her in biz, money, life.
And one for the already million $ (or close to) earner ready to 2-5x fast. (I know!)
Positioning Season has just begun in The Secret Garden, and it’s already looking like REVELATION!
We are moving in seasons at the moment, and this one? Phew. It’s big.
God showed us this morning that it is less about Him moving us to some mystical special place and more about the revelation of where He has already placed us, and what that means.
We asked for our eyes to be opened to see where we now are, and to see the shores He is taking us to, and He delivered!
If you’re looking for a whole new way …
and you know your destiny is in Him …
and you are oh so done with trying to get somewhere …
come rest in the place He gave me for us. The Secret Garden. Where all that is FOR you in Him,
is revealed.
Replay from this morning + 12 months worth of trainings, bonus courses, downloads, prayers, prophetic words, and equipping led by the LORD is waiting for you.
Bonus courses when you join + ongoing. Live community + access to me. Low cost membership price monthly, or pay annual and save. VIP / 1:1 bonus option available. A place given by and sustained by the Lord!
The Place God Gave Me For The Woman of Faith Who Wants To Know ALL That He Has FOR Her In Business, Ministry, Finances & Life
Where we sit in rest.
Breathe in flow.
And fully come to know,
the plan God has made us
And the path we MUST walk.
Million $ earner, ready to 2-5x? This is for you.
I’m looking for two to three million $ earners who want to commit to going 2-5x that, stat.
This is the exact type of private coaching I’ve been most known for over the years, with most of the high level female coaching world (and a few men!) on my client roster.
It is the kind of work I continue to do behind the scenes and find incredibly rewarding because there IS something just so incredibly rewarding about working with people who get it, accept and take ownership quickly, and then do the thing that was clearly shown to do!
I’m known for clients who are already rocking the thing sky-rocketing to 2-10x income levels in crazy short periods of time working with me because I cause them to see the obvious ‘oh my gosh’ thing they were not admitting or unapologetically owning about who they are.
This is for:
– The established coach whose courses + offers sell like woah, yet you know you’re leaving so much on the table
– The born for it leader who is ‘out there’ yet still hiding the most deeply unapologetic parts of who you are
– The go to entrepreneur in her niche who has not yet realised she doesn’t actually have to jump through all those hoops or accept those so-called rules
– The wildly successful mentor | coach | creative | all the things who recognises that it’s time to put pedal to the metal and simply commit that the time is NOW!
We’ll be working together exclusively and tightly for 3 months to hit your ‘I hope I can in 12-24 months’ dreams.
This is not for the faint-hearted!
Then PM me here to let me know you did.
Looking forward to talking!
This is about admitting you want to win at everything, not just business and money.
And accepting, maybe finally fully, that doing so gets to be an online in alignment and right thing. I mean, seriously …
we’re literally just talking about going all the way to the fullness of who God made you to be.