Lies come for your destiny more than they come for anything else.
They taunt that you’re doing it wrong, you’re thinking too much of yourself, you ARE too much, nobody wants to hear from somebody so full on / all over the place / just not polished and pretty and proper, these and other lies of condemnation and shame,
sadly often from within as much as from anywhere else,
are the exact lies which will not only pull you off path but DESTROY your destiny if you allow them to,
and even effect your bloodline!
Who YOU are, whether YOU answer the call within you, it’s gonna effect the next generation! Both those you parent physically, and those who you are spiritually here to mentor and guide.
What I’m saying is:
It actually IS as simple as what you are called to is the thing it would be if you never heard of judging, questioning, doubting, second-guessing your every inner knowing.
Sure, you gotta be planted right to trust your inner knowing and not just slide down an ever more slippery slope of feeding your flesh (hi God!), but if you ARE?
You also need to stop questioning whether or not you’re getting it right.
“If only I were more organised”. NOPE, you are gifted where you are gifted. People need that gift!
“If only I looked / sounded / talked the part”. NOPE, we have enough robo-peoples already. We need the crazy dreamers!
“If only I could follow through properly”. NOPE, you are excellent at knowing when to quite and not actually give your life for the wrong freaking thing! We need more people who get that the ultimate follow through is to follow through on what’s inside of you. Who you are. And ALL that you came here to be.
I’m talking to my multi-passionate creators and entrepreneurs who really need to wake up right now and realise the WORLD NEEDS YOUR PARTICULAR KIND OF CRAZY.
I mean … who do you think made you this way anyway?!
For some of us, we’re not MEANT to slow down, get it ‘world or business world standard’ right, or even bring every idea we have to life!
Some of us work in a way where we actually dreamed of the thing for the purpose of – dreaming of the thing!
Can I tell you this could be why you simultaneously can’t seem to follow through a lot of the time and yet also are next minute CONVINCED you’re meant to bring ten new things to life?!
You being you is not a problem which needs fixing!
The truth is you WILL bring more things to life than ten other people combined, your mind works at million mile an hour speed or STOP. THIS IS ALLOWED. It is ALLOWED, to be you.
But the thing which is never gonna stop?
Is the fact that, unlike the way it supposedly is ‘meant’ to be. In entrepreneurialism. Ministry. Any part of business. Money makin’. Or life. You ARE the person who can see multiple to infinity and beyond possibilities, ideas, ventures, all at once, and you actually CAN press play on many of ’em all at once, and in fact to try and do anything LESS or so-called more orderly than the way it feels like it should be …
would exhaust you.
So yes.
Say yes to the thing which is right in front of you.
And then the next. And next. And next.
Twirl here. And there. And ALL over the place. And then unapologetically let drop the stuff you lost interest in.
Is this bad advice?
It’s only how I’ve made tens of millions online, so idk.
But I do know this –
You were not made faulty.
You do not need to be more cautious in case you accidentally be too much you.
In fact?
You need to go harder faster deeper and more relentlessly into being you, and simply saying YES to the thing you see in front of you.
Trust you got it right.
Trust you will follow through with the things you’re meant to.
Trust just because you had en epic idea doesn’t mean you have to do anything with it, and that you will KNOW.
Get the right support for the bits which are NEVER gonna be you.
We’re waiting for your full colour crazy girl.
Stop showing up with beige.
Now don’t forget –
Life is Now. Press Play.
8 weeks fully private together.
To speed ALL the way into who you’re here to be.
Honestly, to this day I am CONFUSED when I see people insisting that in order to make money online or to scale, you have to just do one thing over and over.
I mean … you do. But that one thing is: be you!
And if you’re a little all over the place …
A creative genius if you’re honest …
Absolutely do not fit into normal marketing or coaching boxes and nor do you want to …
Multi-passionate …
Prob. a bit or a lot ADHD if you were tested …
Love the idea of a business that serves in a HUGE way to people who LOVE you just being you, meanwhile you get to just show up each day with the message which is IN you that day and know that of COURSE it all works together, the thing which brings it together is you …
Oh, and also suspect that right now you are leaving a ton, probably millions, on the table because you keep trying to conform to the ‘rules’ …
I’m guessing that you, like me, like ALL of my most wildly successful ‘then she became a multi-millionaire doing what she actually loves and was born for’ clients, need to accept that YOU ARE ALLOWED TO BE YOU.
But only always 😉
So if that’s you, I want to tell you that a:
There is a different way.
You did already know that
It’s time to rip the gloves off and go all in
and d)
Places are open for my new private mentoring intensive Multi-Passionate Millionaire!
This is for the already underway entrepreneur who is making money and a difference, yet knows she is leaving a TON on the table due to all sorts of rules and ideas which actually do not apply to her!
If this is you, deep down you KNOW it’s about going all in on who you really are, getting into massive permission and excitement about the way God has planted it in you, and then coming out guns blazing as the alive and passionate version of you who unapologetically DOES do things different to everyone!
You know that doing so is the key to your already flowing business hitting the consistent millions and beyond which it should be, and you are willing to take responsibility for areas where you’ve tried to work AGAINST yourself and go all in on the flow way it should get to be.
DM “multi-passionate” to talk!
*Pic: from the wayback files, before I heard of having eyebrows down and when I was first in my ‘being multi-passionate and making millions is allowed!’ era 🙂