God's Word

The multi-passionate millionaire is not only a very real ‘type’, but also a very much required type for a certain sort of an entrepreneur.

The whole niche thing is … and surely this is not news to any of us … overrated. Old news. Never even WAS a valid idea back when all this online marketing stuff started, it’s just that it was a good way to paint-by-numbers get things started for a lot of people.

Don’t get me wrong, knowing your niche is critical 😉

It’s just that your niche is unlikely to be that one particular thing you talk about or create on over and over again, mastering one exact topic or area of results to one exact type of person, repeat. Repeat slash fork my eyeballs now.

Instead, if you’re anything like me or the thousands of women and men I’ve coached in my 18+ years doing this whole online thang, the niche is YOU.

Something I’ve been saying, writing about, filming videos about for over 10 years now. Well before I ever heard Gary Vee, Alex Hormozi, or any other online guns mention it. Yeah yeah, I’m low key doing that thing where you imply you invented a concept and I know I likely didn’t invent it but I will say I never came across anyone in the coaching industry loud and proud talking about it and for me it was a NECESSITY to do so.

I had spent a couple years prior than that trying to squish myself into a box of marketing like the proper kids … off the back of the back that I’d built my first online biz to multi-6-figures without knowing ANY of said rules … prob because the industry didn’t even exist yet at that point … and I’d decided that I needed to ‘grow up and do things properly’ to go to the next level.

It was a terrible idea.

Primarily because it exhausted me and made me extremely sick (a stress response to not unapologetically being who you are is a real thing!). And to add insult to injury – it didn’t work! It was HORRIBLE, and it didn’t grow my business at all, even though for sure I learned some great stuff along the way.

But the main thing U learned during that 18 month period was to unapologetically back that the way I WISHED I could do it was the way I SHOULD do it.

Realising that I WAS the niche … with all my random multi-passionate now this now that ideas and ways of showing up … and that when I just relaxed and went with being me my ideal peeps showed up AND got great results in a way which was fun for both of us …

was the biggest exhale ever.

Hence wanting to talk about and teach on it! I felt like I’d discovered a hidden key NOBODY knew about. And to this day I am CONFUSED when I see people insisting that in order to make money online or to scale, you have to just do one thing over and over.

I mean … you do. But that one thing is: be you!

And if you’re a little all over the place …

A creative genius if you’re honest …

Absolutely do not fit into normal marketing or coaching boxes and nor do you want to …

Multi-passionate …

Prob. a bit or a lot ADHD if you were tested …

Love the idea of a business that serves in a HUGE way to people who LOVE you just being you, meanwhile you get to just show up each day with the message which is IN you that day and know that of COURSE it all works together, the thing which brings it together is you …

Oh, and also suspect that right now you are leaving a ton, probably millions, on the table because you keep trying to conform to the ‘rules’ …

I’m guessing that you, like me, like ALL of my most wildly successful ‘then she became a multi-millionaire doing what she actually loves and was born for’ clients, need to accept that YOU ARE ALLOWED TO BE YOU.

But only always 😉

So if that’s you, I want to tell you that a:

There is a different way.


You did already know that


It’s time to rip the gloves off and go all in

and d)

Places are open for my new private mentoring intensive Multi-Passionate Millionaire!

This is for the already underway entrepreneur who is making money and a difference, yet knows she is leaving a TON on the table due to all sorts of rules and ideas which actually do not apply to her!

If this is you, deep down you KNOW it’s about going all in on who you really are, getting into massive permission and excitement about the way God has planted it in you, and then coming out guns blazing as the alive and passionate version of you who unapologetically DOES do things different to everyone!

You know that doing so is the key to your already flowing business hitting the consistent millions and beyond which it should be, and you are willing to take responsibility for areas where you’ve tried to work AGAINST yourself and go all in on the flow way it should get to be.

DM “multi-passionate” for the link to apply!

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