God's Word

It’s time to quit the if I do enough life.

It’s time to put down the if I be enough life.

It’s time to stop endlessly seeking to measure up to ever-changing standards you set for yourself in order to be who you’re meant to be, access the presence and blessings and knowledge of God, prove you are worthy, prove you are willing, or whatever else it is you’re adding to the mix.

Did you know that when God looks at you, as the child of God who has accepted His son Jesus, He sees the FINISHED WORK OF JESUS?

This doesn’t mean you now sit back and live your life on passive, because God already made you whole, it means that because God made you whole, holy, righteous, complete, pure, out of the overflow of His goodness IN you, you now flow with whatever He gives you to flow with.

You don’t figure out the flow in order to show you’re good enough for the flow in order to somehow summon up and then hold on to and command the flow yourself in order to meet standards you can never meet because that is NOT a human thing, and also?

God says you met ’em when you’re His.

What is this constant striving costing you, hm?

What is the endless pursuit to be perfect, with measurements which continually change, often based on whatever most poked at trauma or pain you may still need healing in, most definitely need to still give over to God, costing you?

Do you realise your quest to BE … your fight to show you are allowed to exist … “look Father, I’m a real girl, I’m really your daughter, I’m really worthy!” … is not only a simple lack of believing God about who He says you are in Him, and who He says HE is in you …

but it’s also a PATTERN which, unless you opt out of – unsubscribe – give over to the only Being who can take it – you may well keep running for the rest of your life.

The pattern of ‘if I could JUST finally > … < then I could breathe. Then I could be. Then I could finally live.’

If I could just finally do all these different things every single day.

If I could just finally follow this exact perfect schedule in this area of my life.

If I could just finally put more time in with God.

If I could just finally finish off … start … figure out … demonstrate … earn … and circle the world three times to be all things to all people I probably should be being it to as well …

then I could be.

You’ll never get there this way.

You KNOW this.


This is one part choose, accept, your own inability to meet standards God never told you to meet, which you can’t meet even if you COULD pin ’em down, and which the devil is QUITE happy you’re giving your life to meet.

And it’s one part just decide to believe God.

“GOD I DECIDE TO BELIEVE YOU! I repent for not doing so! I say I am worthy, whole, complete, NOW, because of Jesus!”

(This means you have salvation already, to be clear. God is clear that you cannot access Him, His blessings, and the total enoughness and completeness of identity He gives you until or except you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, and choose to turn from your own ways in doing so. Romans 10:9).

“God I decide to believe you.

I say I am done trying to get to the bit where I have permission to relax, rest, be.

I say I am done trying to achieve what Jesus already did for me!

I repent for ever thinking I could.

And I THANK you that in you I am already … there. Her. In victory. Now.

In Jesus Name,


As I thought about this blog earlier, God brought to mind a verse I wasn’t sure the location of. I heard “more than conquerers”. “I have made you more than conquerers”.

MORE than conquerers. Not only are you a conquerer IMMEDIATELY when you become His child, but you are MORE than one.

I looked up what ‘more than conquer’ means, and found it means that not only was the battle won but COMPLETE AND TOTAL FINISHED AND UNCHANGEABLE VICTORY IS DONE, to a point of having gained power and control over the enemy.

Do you know what you have over satan?


Do you know that one of the primary ways satan tries to get those of us who were perfectionists, high achievers, always striving to be, to be allowed to EXIST?


He convinces you to pursue self. Through the lens of making your self enough, worthy, acceptable, sufficient, loveable, and so on.

This is … demonic.

It is also something God has taken care of for you. For He knows the pain you go through without Him, and He is FOR you, always. He prevents ANYTHING from being against you or harming you! He has made you His, and given you the inheritance of heaven, the keys to the entire Kingdom, even made you as His child His signet ring.

You walk with the power and authority of the same Spirit which raised Christ from the dead in you!

So this whole quest to do … be … GET somewhere … and the turmoil you go through trying to figure out what that would look like, what would make you acceptable to God and the world and able to bear your self ….

stop trying to quit it.

And just DO so.

By giving it to God.

Who already gave you victory over it.

“I’m done with trying to get there God! I’m done with trying! I say I AM who you say I am. And you do lead me now”.

It’s time for the ‘and then she just did’ life, ya know?

She spent weeks and months and days and years and ENDLESS endless tears trying to reach the point of total acceptance, and then?

She just did.

She just DID
say yes to God
and received His total
unwavering love
and all that IN that,
she was.

Romans 8:31-37

31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:

“For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”



you’re already there.

He will show you where to go. What to do. Where He has appointed and anointed you. Where His grace would have you flow. When to GO. And when to slow.

Just … believe Him.

And let it be simply that.

Now don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.



EXHALE, lovely, do you feel it?

It’s time to exhale into all God has already given you, made you, called you to, and graced you to walk forward in.

It’s not on you!

It’s not on you!

It’s not on you!

And in Him you are already THERE!

Phewwww …. what a GOOD good God we serve!

Gorgeous – ! The Secret Garden is open for one more day at 50% off intake. You can join upfront for a year and receive 2 months free as WELL! Or join month by month and still save hugely right now.

There are 18 bonus courses just on joining!

And best of all?

This is the place God gave me for you.

And it is the one He leads.

Come see what He had me make you,


and a different way.

For the woman of faith or being called deeper into faith who is ready to know all God has for her in business,




and life.


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