God's Word

Things have to change, don’t they?

And they have to change now.

No longer can the path be one of you pursuing the fullness of you, and the truth is it never worked anyway.

Sure, it may have appeared to have worked for a time.

In a way.

After a fashion.

But the cracks …

they were always showing.

And now here we are. Here we stand. Sisters united around the world without even necessarily knowing each other.

The warrior daughters of the Lord who can no longer pretend that they want, or can have any true regard for, anything less than all of Him.

“Lord AWAKEN in me today, a fervent desire for you. Guide me in my path. Correct and lead my steps. Show me the way because you ARE the way. In JESUS mighty Name we cry,


I get what it’s like to still have one foot in the camp of you, and the thing is I’m talking to those of you and the daily-more-consumed-by-Him version of me who don’t do this WITTINGLY.

For you who for some time now – which could be a moment or a decade or two, but either way it is now ALL of you – who LONGS for the Fathers heart. LONGS to see His faith rising in her. Longs to be led WHOLLY by Him. Longs for the old to fade away. Longs for the sweetness of full surrender! LONGS for the chains which for so long bound her to try and do a thing, be a thing, or become any kind of thing the world has seduced with,

to fall away.

“We are the ones who want more, more, more of you Lord, hear the hungry cry of our heart and replace all of ‘us’ with all of YOU!”

The truth is it takes time.

And yet the truth is also that the time is now.

For some, there is contentment in looking to God here and there. Now and then. When there’s space. Once the work is done. The questions answered. It’s convenient. And makes sense.

Well, we know that there is no true contentment at all in that! Yet you know what I mean when I say some are happy with that.

I’m not trying to raise a conversation here to or for or about those people.

I’m here for the hungry ones.

I’m here for those who have been bent over in supernatural labour pains crying out for what God wants to break in them, shake in them, wake in them.

I’m here for those who have screamed and roared and rent and wailed in their prayer rooms, who, if they’ve not done that in the physical, are doing it in their spirit even now reading this and their cry is take me take me take me Lord, take all of me, and shake me shake me shake me Lord, shake all that CAN be, and break me break me break me Lord, break me for your purposes, and now WAKE me, wake me, wake me Lord, wake in me –

Your daughter.

Your warrior daughter.

Your servant.

Your voice.


and all of you.

I’m here for those ones. The ones who are on the edge of, already have, or know it is time to, actually –

surrendering all.

Who still have the wonderments and fears and concerns in the natural. ‘What about this’, and ‘what will it mean’, and ‘where will I go’, and ‘how will it look’, and ‘maybe I’m not ready’, and ‘augh!’, but for whom all of that is truly already so faded …

that even though there is still a pull at times, of ego, or vanity, or pride, or whatever else the flesh serves up …

it’s ever more weak in its ability to pull you off of the deeper truth which is that I can no longer live for anything else other than all of you Lord.

I can no longer live for anything else other than all of you.

I can no longer live for ANYTHING else other than all of you.

And Lord,

I trust you.

I trust you.

I trust you,

with my life.

And so here we are again.

If this is for you.

Laying it all at His feet again.

If this is for you.

Saying Lord have your way again.

If this is for you.

Saying Lord break me again.

If this is for you.

Saying Lord take me again.

If this is for you.

And saying Lord wake in me again,


and which you’d have me do.

Is it hard? To let go of dreams, desires, or what you built, outside of or before Him, or when you were doing that one foot in one foot out thing which we all know is not a thing?

I mean … sure? Maybe? I don’t know.

Because in the end, the only thing which really matters here is this –

He has a plan for you, a calling for you, an assignment for you, a missive for you, which is far above your own imagination and thoughts anyhow, and which also is for you to prosper beyond anything YOU can conceive of, oh and also –

it may be ‘hard’, confronting, whatever.

But it’s a lot harder not to.

To live perpetually with that beat inside of you which says ‘more’. ‘More’. ‘More’.

And yet to continue to choose less. Less. Less. Whilst you strive for standards the world has given you and which will never be able to fill you.

Today I proclaim that the warrior daughters of the Lord shall now rise.

They shall put down their weapons, tools, garments, and belongings of ‘self’.

They will hand over the counterfeit in all its forms.

They will rise ROARING with the roar of the Lion of the tribe of Judah filling their lungs.

They will expel breath which is the wind of God, the wind of the Holy Spirit.

It will gush out of and all around them like a rushing river, like a torrent, like a tidal wave.

They will stand firm, grounded in HIM, as rivers rage around them, storms form and pass, and the overflow OF Him consumes them.

They will be a voice for the Lord.

They will eat the scroll He gives them.


They are the warrior daughters of the Lord. Supernatural weaponry in place. And surrounded by an army of His angels wherever they go.

Their gaze is ON Him.

And their path IS Him.

Every move they make is FOR Him.

They command the atmosphere.


For His glory.

For His glory.

For His glory.

And His Kingdom COME,


Warrior daughters of the Lord RISE.



And behold,

your King.

Now don’t forget –

Life is HIM. Press Play.



The Lord has given me The Queens Roundtable for 12 warrior daughters of the Lord who are ready to now RISE, walk fully in the assignment He has given, pursue every part of Him, go after the anointing and walk IN it, CLOAKED by it, CONSUMED by it, the breath of the Holy Spirit their own breath, and His words like a sword in their mouths.

He is saying pick UP your sword of certainty. TRAIN in the ways I am showing you. And wield wield wield the weapons I give you,

for we have work to do and the time is now.

He is summoning us to train with and under Him.

To unlock the resources of heaven.

To see ministries begin, business change and be reborn, and a tidal wave of faith hungry leaders take a stand for the Kingdom which stands above all.

He will appoint you.

He will enrobe you.

He will crown you.

And He will call you to places beyond the depths of the wildest or most unknown of your imagination.

But first,

you must answer

His call.


you must surrender,



you must open your mouth and roar


Such is the way

of the Queens

of the Roundtable.

He has assigned 12 places. 3 are taken. We begin July 15.

This is … the mastermind I didn’t know was coming.

And a walk we have no way of computing.

For the woman whose fervency for more of Him has her crying out for all of Him,


Vision. Prophecy. And additional revelation He has shown me thus far on the videos at top,

here: www.thekatrinaruthshow.com/thequeensroundtable

And then message me VISION,

to talk.

The Lord is calling you home.