Faith God's Word Identity Purpose

What do I do Lord, if I no longer am able,

with what I’ve always known.

If the things you are revealing to me have taken me so far out of who I thought I am, that at times I think I no longer know ANYTHING,

about how to be.

Do I turn this way, or that? Do I (at the very least?!) complete the tasks which have long been the foundation of an identity I thought was right and true, but which I now see evermore as a counterfeit devoid of you?

Surely I should – (at the very least?!) – move forward with the basics?

My business requires it!
My finances demand it!
My audience expects it!
And I feel lost, off purpose, confused, worried I’m just becoming adrift and making up excuses not to do,
without it.

Yet I hear you saying –

“I’m calling you to find purpose anew”

“Your value is not in your production”

“Your job is to be the voice of the Lord”

And perhaps most poignant of all –

“The voice of the Lord does not have a side hustle,
providing for herself
or continuing to maintain
a thing built in the old,
the dead,
of who she was”

“For I have made you brand new and I am calling you ever deeper home to me.

Home to the you who I designed you to be.

The old ways are not for now.

The things you knew do not belong in this world.

What made sense and was required,

is not relevant,

or indeed desired,

by any part of who you ARE now.

The lens you’re so used to applying

of how the world works, or you in it,

it needs to be put down.

Supernatural surgery,

until it’s gone.

Yes this is difficult.

It is normal to feel confused,



But by my Spirit

I show you the way

and by my power

it will be made.

So run, my beautiful daughter, run with me, then fly. For the wind I breathe is going whereto it goes. And you can’t catch it while you continue to keep care of what was never part of it.

When it’s hard,

when you’re not sure what to do,

or whether you should ‘at the very least’ (tick off the things, complete the things, stay abreast of the things, until you are finally done with the things and ready for me, which is to say –

never quite) –

the answer as always

is REFUSE to do,

until you enter in.

So come, my child. COME. Come ALL the way in, so very far in that there you find all of me,

and none of you.

In that place I will show you,
mold you,
sculpt you,
remove from you,
and make you.

I will give you your missive,
fresh instruction for the day
and all that you require
will be yours.

My messengers will go with you
and my favour surround you
like a shield

You will KNOW
what my business is
and what part you play.

But you cannot figure out the things which are of me,
whilst looking through the lens of you, and what you think you must do.

The answer is lay down all of it

And empty handed,
come boldly
before my throne of grace

For there is much I have for you
and yes
For such a time,
as this



As Far as the Eye Can See

30 days live together,

the Lord and you and me.

God has put it on my heart that He is calling His dreamers to dream.

He is calling His warrior daughters and sons to SEE further,

to expect greater,

to rest deeper,

and to WALK bolder,

in Him.

This 30 day new course which He has given us is simply –


A space we will walk forward in together in which, by His word, His Spirit, His correction and His way we will SEE,

and learn to AGREE,

with who He would have us be,

as well as what should rightly transpire through the voice He has GIVEN us to be.

This is not about YOU goals.

Although you should absolutely expect RIGHT goals, desires, dreams, imaginations, and more, to be revealed and also met.

Our catch-cry once more will be LOOK WHAT GOD DID.

BEYOND the greatest of what we thought it could be,

or the little we have been fixated on making it to be.

There is Kingdom work to be done, and much of it.

There is NO time to lose.

If we cannot see,

we cannot believe,



His way and will here on earth.

It is our inheritance as sons and daughters, and also our responsibility, to SPEAK LIFE OVER THIS EARTH.

In our homes.

Over our children, physical and spiritual.

In our relationships.

In our finances.

In our ministry.

In our churches and communities.

Over our nations.

In our businesses.

Truly over every part of our DAY.

It’s time to COME INTO ALIGNMENT with God’s original plan for you.

To agree with a fervour and certainty that goes beyond you, that what He has written WILL be.

And to pour out a mighty roar as we contend for heaven on earth NOW in our lives,

and in the lives of those we have been given to reach.


is the time.


is the place.


is the day.


He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:3-4