Contentment can’t come from what you do.
If you’re waiting to have done enough, become enough, got on top of enough, kept up enough, in order to finally relax and be, you will never get there.
The quest for finding and accomplishing purpose is one which will remain endless if you look at it this way, because contentment CAN’T come from what you do.
It’s wonderful to want your work to have meaning, your creativity to be God inspired and breathed, your writing or speaking or art to impact nations … or even one little pocket of YOUR nation or community …
and all of this is absolutely achievable, in fact it is EXPECTABLE as a child of God, but sister … brother … child of the Most High God …
“Did I do enough today?”
“Have I been enough today?”
“Did I get it right today?”
“Dad, did I hit the marker of acceptable daughter today?”
It’s an endless loop, and will remain that until you break agreement with thinking YOUR CONTENTMENT COULD EVER COME FROM WHAT YOU DO.
If you don’t, you may have days where you feel high, elevated, flowing and firing with what you assume is the joy and grace of the Lord …
but if those days are the days where you did what you think you need to or should or even could do in order to produce … perfect … perform … demonstrate alignment …
we have a problem.
Praise the Lord, He does reveal His truth to and through us though, because I bet you find yourself also having days where you feel down, despondent, disconnected, and worried you will NEVER get there, and in that maybe you recognise something like this:
“If only I could figure out your right assignment or alignment for the season, week, day, then DO it (with bells on!) THEN I’d be able to breathe easy again, and rest assured I am where I’m meant to be”.
Gorgeous, I hope you know I am preaching to myself right now!
Do you see the problem?
Our STATUS is acceptable to the Lord because we received His Son Jesus by faith.
Our POSITION is righteous, right, ‘where we are meant to be’, because we are in Him.
We ARE already justified because we believe!
And whilst it’s true that faith without works is dead …
it is not ON us to figure out or perform in our own effort those works,
and we’ve got it backwards when we live daily with a pressure which likely comes from a demonic spirit of perfectionism that it is daily and ongoingly our job to find peace and contentment or anything else already GIVEN us in God, through our efforts and right choice or focus.
It is … exhausting.
It is … a lie.
It is … something to repent for. Renounce. And replace with Holy Spirit truth as you proclaim “my contentment is in He who saved me!”
So if you’ve been looking for what would have to be in place so that you know you are there … enough … on track … right …
try this:
“Father I am so sorry I have been seeking contentment in the work of my hands, or right effort.
I repent for looking for what you have already given me in my own strength.
I renounce this WHOLLY.
I thank you I have rest, assurance, righteousness, and am graced by you in all I am called to do.
And so I say … I am done.
I am done because YOU finished it all Jesus.
I receive your peace, contentment, and finished work now.
In Jesus Name,
This stuff is a practice.
But it is also one where our faith needs to rise and meet the living word of God as we know that He WILL cause us to walk and create right.
In the Name of Jesus I right now bind every spirit of discontent, every perfectionist spirit, every spirit exhausting you, me, and any of us here, with an idea that receiving the fullness of salvation depends upon our doing.
And I lose upon you peace. Contentment. Assuredness. Hope. And joy joy joy of the Lord, which you have in Christ.
I say you work, create, live and be now from the OVERFLOW of the goodness of God.
And that your STATUS IS RESTING CHILD OF GOD, who then wakes up and is about Her Father’s Business as a REFLECTION of Christ in her,
not an ENDEAVOUR to make sure she earns her keep.
In Jesus Name,
Question for you to ponder:
“Would I be doing this if I were operating from the contentment of the Lord?”
Let me know what you think x
Kat x
There are 5 days left to join me half off in The Secret Garden lovely, the place God gave us to walk forward in ALL He has for us.
Come see what He had me make you,