God's Word

The battles we face are not physical.

The battles you face in your personal life? Not physical.

The battles you face in your mind? Not physical.

The battle you face to be who God is calling you to be, to walk in righteousness, and according to the ways of life which you desperately long to walk in yet for some reason repeatedly seem to sabotage as you once again take the reigns back into YOUR hand?

Not physical.

I called out to God on why it is sometimes so HARD, and He said “because some part of you still considers the ways, human rules, or expectations of this world to be valid”.

“You’re giving credence where none belongs”.

“You’re fighting against an idea that this world and its reality have governing ordinance over you”.

“You’re operating as though it is true you are a citizen of this world, and that you have to adjust or align or strive or battle accordingly”.

“The rules of this world do not apply to you!”

He is talking about the rules of life the way we as humans see them, and also the rules of the spirit realm when looked at through our own understanding.

We think that if something is difficult to put down, or break, say our repeated desire to be in control of our own lives and make decisions accordingly, or to submit to our carnal desires and make decisions accordingly, that we are doing something wrong, have missed a step, or are not properly applying the rules of play.

He’s saying –

Your rules of play are not mine.

You cannot work your way out of the sins or wants or ways of your flesh.

You cannot get better at not being good, right, holy, aligned.

You cannot hack the LAW, the law of this realm.

What you can do, and the only thing you must do, is agree that you are not OF this earth. That you are not a citizen of this world and its ways. And that zero part of you has the ability to circumnavigate the effects of this realm.

In response to this truth, you simply OPT OUT.

Exit stage left.

Pull the emergency cord.

Accept the life raft.

Stop trying to stop sinking and also stop trying to swim.

That is a) becoming a child of God, but b) – and where many children of God are flailing right now – submitting to HIS ways, order, power, authority.

Which means that what this world is trying to do either to or in you …

simply does not apply.

You speak Jesus over it. Remind yourself and proclaim you are a citizen of heaven not of this world. And charge the atmosphere in your mind / emotions / home / day / finances / etc to obey the Lord.

This takes belief.

Belief is a choice, it is a (right) response to God in your spirit if He is in there, or working on you right now if you’ve not yet let Him in (accepted salvation).

Your emotions can catch up with that choice later.

“Why is it so hard Lord?”, I cried. “Why am I still battling?!”

– “Because you are still giving credence to the idea that the things of this world have any power at all over you. And as a citizen of heaven that is no longer true. It is your total belief of and submission to my power in you, and your residence in my Kingdom already being complete, which is the issue”.

“But how do we believe fully Lord?”

– “I’ve given you the words. It’s yours to speak them over yourself. And to (repeatedly / as often as needed) give me rule and reign over your soul to do so.

I’m right here all the time. I never leave or forsake you. I will not let you down. I AM life. Stop believing that death HAS life over you when it does not”.

Sometimes I think we are delusional. Opting out of the rules of this realm? Okay! What, you think that what is here is not real Kat?

Well … it is not highest reality. It does not have governance over your eternal OR earthly future. So when you submit to it as though it is in charge … you can only ever generate on outcome of that lower ordinance. 1+1 of death and lower ordinance = more lower realm, temporal, limited, and ultimately deathly, results.

On the other hand, even though it can seem delusional, mad, fantastical to do so … when we obey the laws of the highest realm (spirit) and highest being in that realm (God, Elohim besides all Elohim; Elohim means spirit being) …

everything below has to follow. And it will follow rightly.

But no. It won’t make sense through a lens of this realm.

Make sense?!

So, actually, maybe, it is delusional.

Opting out of this illusion.

The illusion that what we see is what it is.

And into the reality of what God says it is.

I looked up the meaning of delusion.

It says it is a false opinion or belief about someone or something, often based on a mental disorder or misunderstanding.

I think we only have to look around, starting in our own lives, to see that believing this realm is the highest order is a mental disorder of most unfortunate levels.

But as for us, those of us who have the mind of Christ?

We have been set free. We see without eyes. We have a supernatural gaze. And we operate according to the laws of the highest realm, and by the highest being.

What an unfortunate disorder it would be to have that ranking and access,

yet adhere to the lowest laws and attempt to create or win your life accordingly.

Opt out of the delusion.

The opt out button is Jesus.

Now don’t forget –

Life is Now. Press Play.



This morning in The Secret Garden we went into process with the Lord, on how to experience His now (rhema, alive) word, direction, instruction, revelation.

Our prayer on repeat and in alllll the areas was “we agree with what God says!”

Sometimes it is easy to kinda sorta checklist our time with God. Our will submitted to Him. Our desire to know and see His plans for us come to flourish in our lives!

Sometimes we avoid fully looking at Him in a certain area – or at all – because maybe we are scared He doesn’t really have something for us in that area.

Well … spoiler alert … He does. But He requires your agreement. Note agreement doesn’t mean figuring out ‘what then’! It’s about simply being done.

Perhaps right now you are done with figuring things out your own way. With trying to keep up in an increasingly more worldly world, and one which frankly you’re not so sure you want to win at doing right anymore.

God gave me The Secret Garden a year ago now, a manifestation of a 2 months prior to that supernatural encounter in which He showed me His vision for my business, and which I thought was a private vision at the time, not a ‘thing’ to talk about, as the place to be in my space online as a faith-led entrepreneur or leader who knows there is a different Kingdom, a different way, and who is ready for all He has for her.

In business. Ministry. Finances. And life.

This is for you if, simply- you’re done.

Maybe you don’t even know what you’re done with yet! And maybe you’re not in relationship with God yet! Yet something is pulling you. Calling you. To opt out of the very obvious delusion of this realm, in every area of how you live your life, and seek to live your calling.

God has a plan for you. It is a beyond imagination amazing plan. That is not a maybe!

And He had me make this place for you.

Come join me. And your sisters. In The Secret Garden He had me make you,

at https://katrinaruthministries.com/thesecretgarden

Replay from this morning + weekly upcoming trainings & prayer + entire dashboard of resources + multiple bonus courses waiting for you!


There is just one more day to join my current 3-week immersion Provision, God’s Money Course. You can join it by itself (lowest price option), or you can receive it included for free, along with lots of other bonuses, when you join The Secret Garden (best overall price option!).

Our next zoom is in 2 days.

Provision: Yes, the Lord will give what is good; and our land will yield its increase! https://katrinaruthministries.com/provision

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